cara main : di puter manual, jadi klo mau denger suaranya, harus d puter bagian tuasnya, baru kluar suaranya..
namanya juga musicbox classic gan... ^^
ket lain :
- ukurannya : 10 cm x 5 cm x 3 cm
- 1 musicbox itu cuma ada 1 lagu aja...
- lagunya cuma ada yg ada d keterangan aja gan, gak bisa request lagu yg lain...
- durasi sekitar 15-20 detikan, tergantung cara muternya aja...
- Sudah termasuk kotak akrilik yang exclusive..
- no COD yah, karena punya kesibukan lain selain jualan..
List Lagu :
A whole new world
Amazing grace
Auld lang syne
Beauty and beast
Brahms lullaby
Fly me to the moon
Fur elise
I just called to say i love you
Its a small world
Jesus love me
Killing me softly with the song
La vie en rose
Let it be
Love me tender
love story
Memory(from cats)
My funny valentine
Pink panther theme
Romance delamour
Speak softly love
Stairways to heaven
Swan lake
That's what friend are for
The lion sleep tonight
Twingkle2 litle star
You are my sunshine
You light up my life
What a wonderfull world
Amazing grace
Auld lang syne
Beauty and beast
Brahms lullaby
Fly me to the moon
Fur elise
I just called to say i love you
Its a small world
Jesus love me
Killing me softly with the song
La vie en rose
Let it be
Love me tender
love story
Memory(from cats)
My funny valentine
Pink panther theme
Romance delamour
Speak softly love
Stairways to heaven
Swan lake
That's what friend are for
The lion sleep tonight
Twingkle2 litle star
You are my sunshine
You light up my life
What a wonderfull world
Minat? SMS for fast response.. 08989781841 / 08989781842..
FB : vessel olshop
Kaskus ID : chrzarea
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